Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Fleance's Diary

Dear Diary,

I had just witnessed the most horrible terrtifying thing. Macbeth and his nobles murdered my father. They had tried to murder me too, but I got away. Here's what I remember: my father Banquo and I were getting on a train to go somewhere. We just got on, when the servants started to pass out food and drinks. My father asked for a drink and as soon as it went down his throat he started choking.As my father sank to the ground,that's when the nobles(which were the servants in disguise) got a hold of me. I rustled around to get free, and finally one of of the men loosened his grip. I ran off leaving my poor, dead father forever. After that whole thing happened of course I was angered but I knew I should go into hiding because Macbeth wants to kill me too. I also know he wanted to murder me and my father so that he can stay king. From now on I shall stay far away from the castle as possible. Tommorow I will try to find a new hiding place and find a way to live without family.

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