Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Macbeth's Diary

Dear Diary,

I have done a very bad deed today. A very regretful thing that I will never ever forget. My wife and I...we killed the king in his chambers overnight. I didn't want to go through with it but Lady Macbeth sucked me into it. She told me of all the fame and fortune we would have if  I would become king. It feels like i'm always under her control. Anyway, after I did the deed, blood washed over my hands and the knives that I used were stained with blood. Lady told me I was a fool for bringing the knives so she went back and hid them. When she came back, her whole upper body was covered in blood. The reason was because she made it seem like the guards did it. We quickly left the castle to wash up.After that whole night happened, I knew I shouldn't have let my wife trick me into murdering the king. I feel really bad that I actually went through with it. I am also relived because now I won't have anxiety over who becomes king besides me. The next day when the nobles went to go wake up the king they found they found him dead. I felt bad because I had to lie to his family and the nobles. Lady played along and fainted when the nobles told her the news. The king's sons however were worried that people were going to suspect that they were the murderers. So they both ran away. One to England and the other one to Ireland. So tommorow Lady Macbeth and I will become king and queen of the whole kingdom. I hope everything goes well.


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